
The Chevron Parquet is a floor inspired by the classic parquets of traditional European design. Dating back to medieval times, this unique technique that will add a touch of prestige to any room, in which it becomes a work of art in its own right. At one time a really labor intensive way of lying a floor, fishbone floor would have thankfully things have evolved significantly since this time, and now you can achieve a fishbone wood flooring look, without having to work block by block. It is best suited to more elegant areas around the home, museums, galleries, fashion boutiques and showrooms.

  • Resistant to Cigarettes Burns
  • To furniture feet durable to wheels
  • Sunlight resistant
  • Unaffected by stain
  • Scratch resistant
  • Suitable for underfloor heating
  • Anti bacterial coating
  • Easy to clean hygienic
  • Resistant to pointwise impacts
  • Dynamic coefficient of  friction
